Monday, July 27, 2009

Over the last few weeks, there have been too many very unfortunate episodes of violence taking place in Yerushalayim, Ramat Bet Shemesh and other cities in our holy land. This follows the pattern of such outbursts in previous years and even decades.

These riots have cast a dark shadow on the entire orthodox community the world over. The people organizing these riots lurk in the darkness of places like Ramat Bet Shemesh and Mea Shearim and use fear tactics to drum up support for and organize these riots which have brought such shame to our people. They also use overt and covert threats to intimidate those who oppose them – very effectively, we might add. They have even intimidated some Rabbinic Sages by throwing fruit at Rav Elyashiv s’hlita a few years ago for having the temerity to oppose them and picketed Rav Shteinman s’hlita for supporting sending SOME boys to the Nachal Charedi division of the Israeli Army; it should be pointed out that it was a limited number who were in the streets and not attending any yeshiva.

There is a network of people around the world who are responsible for aiding, assisting and supporting these self proclaimed kanoim and this blog is here to tell you that the game is up.
This website represents a grass root effort of concerned individuals from around the world who are dedicated to shutting the violence and protests down, and we will use this blog and the power of the internet to peacefully yet forcefully expose those kanoim responsible for bringing shame onto our people and violence into our streets.

These extremists operate in fear and darkness. Now, we will use the brightness of day to expose their identities and those of their donors, supporters and enablers and we will exert tremendous pressure through the Internet and various media in addition to law enforcement officials (it is our understanding that funding these acts of terror is illegal and we will vigorously explore the possibility of working with law enforcement to follow the money trail that fund these activities and prosecute the donors. We will also work to get the Neturei Karta and perhaps other organizations classified as terror groups to shut down their network.

We wish to serve notice that whether you are the ones organizing these violent protests, participating in them, raising money for them, or housing their leaders for parlor meetings in your homes, your names and pictures will be identified here and will be sent to various press outlets to pressure you to stop these acts from taking place.

We feel that we are left with no choice at this point other than to, peacefully, expose you and shut you down. The shame and damage you have done to your people over the last few weeks and years is irreparable and we are here to tell you that it stops today. Whether you live in Ramat Bet Shemesh, Mea Shearim, Antwerp, Vienna, London, Monroe, Williamsburg, Lawrence, LA or wherever you may be, we are going to find you and you will be exposed for supporting and instigating these riots.

We ask all decent Jews worldwide who have any information on these people to come forward and e-mail pictures addresses and any other information that you might have to: . All information and contacts will be kept confidential.
We wish we had the ability to post our names. However, due to the fact that these extremists have proven to be capable of violence that stops just short of murder, we have no choice but to remain anonymous. We look forward to the day when decent people like us will not need to hide, but instead, extremists and their families will cower in fear for the backlash that will follow when they harm others.

We hope that our efforts will be short and that we will be able to return peace to our holy city in the very near future, but we are determined to do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal.

Yehi Shalom B' Chelech Shalva B' Armenosayich.


AndyBee said...

Your cause is a good cause. Best of luck!!

jack said...

you don't have to look too far and see who supports and finances these ignorant savages,just read every week the two yidish satmar newspapers ''der yid' and 'der blatt how these two israel and jew hating rags encourage these savages
to riot and burn down their own neighborhoods

Anonymous said...

I can't help thinking that there would be fewer protests if they all had jobs to go to. People with jobs don't have time for such nonsense. Perhaps it is time to make the state funded kollel option only for the serious learners, with university style entrance tests and annual exams. Everyone else has to get a job.

surprised JP reader said...

Why does the JP give Gershon Tannenbaum, a man with a shady background, a forum to promote people who should not be promoted?

Maybe alert Mrs. Mauer to what is going on.

Anonymous said...

The money is coming not just from Satmar but also from Flatbush and the Five Towns.

One of the biggest funders is none other than:
Ruby Schron.

He even gives money to Moishe Ber Bek in Monsey.